Community driven photography tips and tricks
Learn insights from the Alice Camera community of creators
Photograph by Manuel Delgado
Ever wonder how to take a better photo? By learning from other creatives you can take your content creation skills to the next level, whether you're a photographer looking into how to improve your content portfolio to land a better photography job or an influencer trying to get out there with more engaging posts for your online audience.
We are proud to have over 2000+ content creators, photographers and filmmakers who have been sharing their work and creativity.
Here are some highlights of the digital photography tips they have shared with us:
Be an adventurous photo fanatic, think opposite
Landscape photographer Simon Martin Lewis (@sasquatchphotography_) inspires photo fanatics - wake up early, have the camera gear with you at all times, lookout for objects and places that have been overlooked by the eyes of your fellow creatives.
“Try exploring your local area, find the hidden gems around you that no one else knows about and don't give those locations away if you find good ones! If you are walking a path, stray from it if it's safe to do so and go explore! Being a woodland photographer I am often up to my armpits in bracken or tripping over roots etc trying to seek out those special trees and little glens that other photographers have missed because they tread the same path as everyone else.”
-Simon Martin Lewis
This idea would be very much supported by the filmmaker and photographer Peter McKinnon, who had proclaimed in one of his youtube videos that asking yourself a question such as “what is completely opposite from what everyone does?” and testing that is what can help you create a more unique photographic work if you end up shooting in the all-time photographer favoured locations.
The Ushering Oak. Simon Martin Lewis
Have perspective in mind
A challenge for photographers is to find new ways to portray what they want to present through their images. One way to do this is by changing the perspective of your shot, which will allow you to see things from a different point of view. Our community members Karla Congson ( and Simon Martin Lewis have compiled some examples along with explanations in regard to how changing the angles help create a more captivating photo.
“Shoot from a low angle to create visual interest and unexpected views”
-Karla Congson
Photograph by Dennis Bolawsky
“Don't always shoot at eye level. Look to see if lowering the camera or raising it makes a difference to your composition that may be beneficial.”
-Simon Martin Lewis
Photograph by Karla Congson
Take advantage of depth & light
To avoid your pictures looking flat and boring, Manuel Delgado (@manuel_delgado_photography) and Dennis Bolawsky (@Kwesi_korea) say depth & light are the aspects you would want to consider to help your photographs reflect the emotion and communicate the narrative better.
Photograph by Karla Congson
“Create a sense of depth by thoughtfully framing foreground, middle ground and background elements”
-Karla Congson
“Use light to your advantage. The best images you see will all have something in common...extraordinary lighting, be it natural or man made, harsh or ambient. The very best photographers are masters of using light to add drama, life to their images.”
-Simon Martin Lewis
Join our community of creators
A lot of people believe photography is just for professionals, but this isn't true at all! To improve in the photographic industry it is important to make mistakes and be open to learning from others. The Alice Camera offers you a community of well-versed and amateur creators on Facebook where you can learn from other photographers and explore new techniques, share your own work and get feedback, or just enjoy the videos that we have on offer to get more understanding about computational photography and what we do.
With the Kickstarter date approaching, we are excited to soon be able to provide you a camera built to make your creative endeavours a lot easier. With the functions such as better connectivity, seamless post-processing experience and intuitive user experience, you will have a creative experience of a smartphone with a quality of DSLR - our engineers are making the product to truly satisfy the needs of the modern day creators!